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Feature Projects


Energy Efficiency

Edriz Solutions was consulted to review NBL Energy Consumption and Produce an Implementation Plan to Eliminate waste within the Business Electrical Energy Use.

After the Review was concluded, Edriz Solutions was able to Identify and Implement an Action Plan to reduce the Business Electrical Energy Consumption by up to 15% Annually. This was complemented with savings of up to £200,000 Annually.


Asset Value

Edriz Solutions was consulted to review HK Ltd Asset Value Losses and Produce an Implementation Plan to Improve Asset Value and Technical Team working style. 


After concluding a Review, a working style for the Technical Teams was Implemented. The overall gains from the Improvement meant that the Assets Value improved by atleast 40% on a YOY Basis.


Efficient Transport

Edriz Solutions was consulted to review LB ltd Canned-Beverage Operations (Particularly its Transport System) and Produced an Implementation Plan to Eliminate waste within the Business.

After the Review was concluded, Edriz Solutions was able to Identify and Implement an Action Plan to Reduce the Business Canned-Beverage Transport System losses by up to 70%. This was complemented with savings of up to £100,000 Annually.

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